The 4 Biggest Bankruptcy Myths

Myth (Sphinx)

Image by tricky ™ via Flickr

You shouldn’t file for bankruptcy, ever. That’s what the conventional wisdom seems to say. But is this true? Here, I look at the 4 biggest bankruptcy myths faced by most people who are considering filing for bankruptcy.

You need to do what’s right for you. If filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy turns out to be the right thing for you, then do it. Don’t let the naysayers get in your way.

Because here’s the thing: Each and every person who is having problems with debt needs to do their own analysis, preferably after consulting with one or more professionals, to determine whether Chapter 7 bankruptcy is right for them. Blanket negative statements about the evils of bankruptcy don’t help with your analysis.

Let’s look at these bankruptcy myths one at a time:

  1. You’ll ruin your credit score. If you’re having bad debt troubles, your credit score is probably not good. But maybe you’re still current on all your credit cards. Where that’s the case, your credit score has to go down if you truly cannot afford to pay your debts over the long haul. Don’t worry, there’s a way to improve your score.
  2. You won’t be able to get a new job. Yes, many employers run credit checks on prospective employees. But many employers do not. Sometimes it depends on what industry you are in. Trying to get a bank job? Banks will probably run credit checks on prospective employees. But many “mom-and-pop” small, non-corporate employers do not. In other words, this is a factor you should consider, but it may not be the end all, be all factor that decides whether or not you file.
  3. You won’t be able to rent an apartment. Here again, some landlords run credit checks and some do not. You probably won’t have your pick of every single new apartment to move into, but you wouldn’t have anyway, because some apartments rent for more than you can afford. This factor depends a lot on what’s available in the area where you want to live. So it’s something to consider, but it’s not the only factor (and not even a huge one, at that).
  4. Utility companies will make you put down a deposit. Utility services cannot be cut off because you filed for bankruptcy. If you owe a past debt to a utility, then you may have to put down a deposit after you file. This is why it’s a good idea to be current on your utility bills prior to filing for bankruptcy.

If you’d like help looking into whether bankruptcy is right for you, call (201) 676-0722 to schedule a free phone appointment with attorney Jennifer Weil.

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