Tag Archives: keeping car in bankruptcy

How To Keep Your Car Through Bankruptcy

This focus of this post is how to keep your car through your bankruptcy. It’s based on my experience as a bankruptcy lawyer, from what I’ve seen happen in my clients’ cases over time. I’ve helped many people successfully keep their financed or leased cars through bankruptcy and beyond. And I’ve seen what happens when people don’t take the steps required to keep their car through bankruptcy.

If you follow the right steps, then you will have the ability to keep your financed or leased car through bankruptcy and thereafter.

Truth is, if you are making all of your car payments in full and on time, you can keep your car through the bankruptcy.

But there’s a trick to it. If your lender has been lenient, letting you make payments late by telling you it’s OK with them, they will not be OK with late payments once your bankruptcy is filed. Lenders become more strict when their customer has filed for bankruptcy. They will want their full payments on time each month, even if before they’d said that late payments were OK.

What happens if your payments are not in full and/or on time every month? Can the lender repossess? Once you are out of bankruptcy, yes – the lender can repossess your car. If you’ve been chronically late with payments, or even if you were late only one month, and you didn’t get all caught up before filing bankruptcy, you’ll face having your car repossessed.

Remember, a car loan is a type of secured debt. This means that if you don’t make your car payments in full and on time, the lender can take the car back. The same is true of a leased car. In fact, repossession may be the lender’s only remedy after you have taken the car loan through the bankruptcy.

The first lesson here is that if you haven’t been strictly making your full car payment on time every month, now’s the time to catch up completely – before your bankruptcy case gets filed. If you don’t, you might be looking at repossession after the bankruptcy is over with.

A second lesson in all this is that if you are having trouble keeping up with your car payments, now is a good time to take a long, hard look at whether this particular car loan is a good idea for you to keep dealing with. Bankruptcy will provide an opportunity to discharge your car loan. If the payments are just too much, or if the car keeps having problems, bankruptcy can allow you to get rid of the car and its loan and, once your case is finished, to pick up a different car, if you need one.

How to keep your car through bankruptcy is not such a mystery. And it isn’t difficult, either. Successfully keeping your car through your bankruptcy case takes a little planning and attention to detail before you file the bankruptcy case.

Mapping out your bankruptcy before you file is arguably the most important part of filing for bankruptcy, because it is the best way to ensure that your bankruptcy case will go smoothly. Ideally, you should never be in a rush to file a bankruptcy case, because that’s when important details get lost, like catching up on your car payments so that you don’t face losing that car after your bankruptcy case is over.

Game plan your personal strategy to keep – or to get rid of – your car through your bankruptcy. Call (201) 676-0722 to schedule a phone appointment to discuss it with attorney Jennifer Weil.